We have worked very hard in putting together our program and we happily refer to exemplary breeders. Registering with other organizations is extremely expensive but we are getting there and we feel it is important to fellowship with as many experienced people as you can to continue your growth and knowledge.
We have chosen our foundation cats for the type and features they can bring to us and have both Very Modest and Top of the Line Lineage. Breeding for show is an all consuming quest for the perfect kitty. What a neat ride however very time consuming, Expensive and addictive :)
We breed for our own pleasure, to SHOW standard as is the fun of this hobby. Those who know us know that we are reputable and clearly above board with the health and care given our kittys. Given a choice we prefer warm stable families for our kittens. I can count on one hand the number of kittens we have allowed to Qualified show homes.
A Sincere Note to New Start Ups:
Stay away from the gossips. Lift someone up. Be friendly and caring to those who come to you for advise once your feet are wet. Share your experiences so others may have it just a little easier. Never have more than 5 or 6 cats to take care of as it will be overwhelming when the kittens come and heart breaking when you just cannot get to thier care. Sadly, we hear it over and over. Learning to do what we do is a long road and one paved with huge heart break and massive financial losses.
Honesty is always the best policy when starting your own program. Patience will save you heart ache and a whole lot of money. Really trust who you buy from. Referrals do not always work out. Put your hands on the cat you are buying as pictures do not always tell the whole story. I advise mentoring to learn what you will need to know before you spend your savings on your hobby because you will spend all your money..... :) Attach yourself to someone. Care for the cats and kittens and clean thier cattery for a month or two to see if you are really up to this. CFA, TICA and most Registry organizations have great mentoring programs. The Mentorship resources link will fill in many questions for you as a newbie to the Fancy and hopefully put your goals into prospective. Financially, At best your cattery will be a savings account and will never make you rich. At the end of the day you are neither up or down....just a little worn.
Being a Part of The cat Fancy is like living in a Small southern Town. We all know each other or of each other so please remember this when the temptation of spreading gossip is hard to resist. It's very sad to see those who all of a sudden inflat themselves and lose thier real friends to try to fit in with the clicks that sometimes come with this hobby. Be yourself and wish others well.
Please be true to yourself and be sure you are willing to spend the time and money needed to begin this journey. Fellowship with others to get a true picture of what you are entering into. Once you have your cats they are yours to care for good or bad. They are sweet little animals who are at your mercy. Please Take care of them.
We Care and will not create PKD positive kittens.
This is what happens when you are at home alone for the holidays waiting for kittens to come :) She was a good sport. LOL
Our Beautiful Exotic Girls
Belcherpurrs I am Bree
A Belcherpurrs Lars son of Brad X Belcherpurrs I am Scarlett Breeding
Belcherpurrs Roseopicta Dotty
Belcherpurrs I am Bree X
Belcherpurrs Calathea Rosey
Belcherpurrs I am Bree X